S was Diagnosed in 2003, when he was 3, with High functioning autism. Now he comes across as any other boy, makes jokes, plays games and watches spongebob. Its not apparent he has a difficulty so people either think he is naughtly, has odd ways, or do not take us seriously.
He is like any other boy...and he has autism.
E was born in 2005, and does not have autism. He acts in ways that I had no idea about, laughs at my jokes, acts like a clown, plays with toys and watches spongebob too.
He is like any other boy...just like his brother
This is my musings, experiances, and anything else as the mum of one son with autism, and one son without it. I hope it makes a difference.

School Report

Its been a terrible half term.  Ive had both children shouting at me in each ear all week.  Needless to say, ive had a headache!

S had a bad day Thursday.  His friend knocked, they went out to play with their lightsabers and 15 minutes later S was back in.  He said his friend wanted to swop lightsabers, S said no so the friend went in! S was very very upset and revert back to baby talk ( for the rest of the week actually) 
We had a mini halloween party on friday and he cheered up, and even took part in some games.  He was histerical playing musical statues.... if I didnt know any better I would say he was doing Dad Dancing!!   he won some prizes so he was most happy!
Back to school tomorrow tho....

So in S's new middle school we get a mini report every term/half term.  Its shows his sats levels.  This is all new to me so serveral phone calls to friends later, i understand it all....well ish.

Basically a 9 year old should be around the 3a mark in all subjects (if ive got this wrong, please tell me!)some are gonna be above that (4a ) some below (2a)
S was 3a in science, PE and music which was great! He was 2a in maths and 1a in english.  Now from what I can gather 1a means hes about 2/3 years behind.  I knew that, so no surprise there.  I was really pleased at the higher ones tho, and considering he hated PE in primary school, he loves it now!

He is getting better with englsh, he is getting all his spellings right which is really boosting his confidence. and he wants to do them. 
 The god awfull battle of wills that went on trying to get him to read or do any homework at home have vanished.  It also helps that they get a 5 minute detention if they dont do their homwwork!!

The new school has been great so far, hes really made progres and actually said to me "why do they help me more in this school?"
I think that says it all really.

Im seeing the head of SENCO tuesday, funnily enough she taught me at that school and remembers me so it makes it a whole lot easier.if theres  any thing to report...I will !!

(if you see any typos, sorry! for some reason the spell checker has disapeared?!)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have had a rough week, glad to hear that your son is making progress in school

SLM said...

Its good your son is making progress x

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Im a full time single mum of 2 boys. My eldest son is 9 and has autism, my 4 year old does'nt! im studying creative writing with the ou, and i'm a sci fi geek...sorry!

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